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LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBU​D) Damage Prevention Campaign​

Our campaign for damage prevention continues to grow and our annual Damage Prevention Day 2024 was the biggest and best one yet.  Held on 26th June at The Hilton, St Georges Park in Burton-On-Trent, it was a fantastic day with thought provoking speaker sessions, panel discussions, interactive sessions and more it was a brilliant way to encourage discussion around all things safe digging from a broad representation of our industry.

We are excited to confirm that we have secured the same venue for 2025 on Thursday June 19th.  The agenda for the day will be confirmed nearer the time but we have listened to your feedback and this year not only will we have the fantastic speakers and exhibitors that we always do, we will also be aiming to bring in a more practical point of view as well for those actually on the ground on a day to day basis.

There will be something for everyone and one thing we can promise is it will be another fantastic day so we would love to see you there.

Tickets are now available and you can get yours get yours here!.

Digging Up Britain 2024

Digging up Britain 2024, the UK’s safe digging industry report, is back for its seventh edition, documenting the latest trends, hot topics and data from all the groundwork taking place across the UK last year.

USAG Report 2020

This report summarises the key findings of 2070 utility strikes across the UK during 2020 based on responses
from 43 USAG Members (including 10 with no strikes reported). It highlights what caused the most damages
and provides scope and recommendations to avoid and reduce future damages. Use this report to review your own excavation practices against where damages to cables and pipes are most likely to occur.

LSBUD Damage Prevention 2023 Review

The National Damage Prevention Day 2023 was held on 22nd June and was a huge success. With excellent discussion around all things safe digging from a broad representation of our industry.

We want to thank all of our attendees, speakers and exhibitors for making the day such a success . We have summarised the day in our annual event report which we are really pleased to be able to share.

Click here to download the report.

If you have any ideas for next years event then please get in touch with our marketing team at






National Damage Prevention Day 2020 - Summary Report

National Damage Prevention Online Campaign​s 

During 2020 & 2021 we held online presentations and round table discussion sessions with leading experts in the damage prevention industry. They gave insights into their chosen field in the industry be it from utility surveys through to engagement with landowners. 

Please click on the links below to watch the sessions

National Damage Prevention Campaign​ 2021

Session 8 – Exploring the USAG Damages Report with Steve Crossland and Richard Broome

Session 8 – Exploring the USAG Damages Report with Steve Crossland and Richard Broome

Session 8 - Exploring the USAG Damages Report with Steve Crossland and Richard BroomeDamage Prevention Specialist Phil Cornforth of PelicanCorp and Geolantis360 leads a discussion on the topic of the reliability of recorded asset location data for planners and field workers that is collected either through a utility survey or as laid drawings taken when installing assets.

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Session 7 – Geolantis360 & Improving Recorded Asset Location Data with Phil Cornforth

Session 7 – Geolantis360 & Improving Recorded Asset Location Data with Phil Cornforth

Session 7 - Geolantis360 & Improving Recorded Asset Location Data with Phil CornforthDamage Prevention Specialist Phil Cornforth of PelicanCorp and Geolantis360 leads a discussion on the topic of the reliability of recorded asset location data for planners and field workers that is collected either through a utility survey or as laid drawings taken when installing assets.

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Session 6 – Openreach & Working Near High Pressure Pipelines with Tom Foord

Session 6 – Openreach & Working Near High Pressure Pipelines with Tom Foord

Session 6 - Openreach & Working Near High Pressure Pipelines with Tom FoordIn this session of the Damage Prevention Thought Leadership series, LSBUD was very happy to be joined by Tom Foord from Openreach to discuss their hazardous pipeline process or “HPP” which is something that Openreach class as its biggest risk during civil excavation works.  

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Session 5 – Getting to Zero, behavioural safety with Andy Shaw

Session 5 – Getting to Zero, behavioural safety with Andy Shaw

Session 5 - Getting to Zero, behavioural safety with Andy ShawIn this session of the Damage Prevention Thought Leadership series, LSBUD was delighted to invite behavioral safety expert Andy Shaw of Gilbertson Shaw Risk Management & Safety Consultancy to lead a discussion forum on behavioral safety in the workplace with the target of 'getting to zero'

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Session 4 – Understanding and getting the most from plans with Pete Ashcroft of Sygma Solutions

Session 4 – Understanding and getting the most from plans with Pete Ashcroft of Sygma Solutions

Session 4 - Understanding and getting the most from plans with Pete Ashcroft of Sygma SolutionsIn the latest session of the Damage Prevention Thought Leadership sessions, LSBUD is delighted to invite industry expert Pete Ashcroft of Sygma Solutions to lead a discussion forum on the best use of plans, including what they do and don't tell you about a work site, dispelling some myths and providing tips that anyone can benefit from.

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Session 3 – Engaging the agricultural sector with Margaret Hamilton from SGN

Session 3 – Engaging the agricultural sector with Margaret Hamilton from SGN

Session 3 - Engaging the agricultural sector with Margaret Hamilton from SGNIn the third session of the Damage Prevention Thought Leadership sessions, LSBUD was delighted to invite industry expert Margaret Hamilton, Stakeholder and Community Manager at SGN, to lead a discussion forum on how best to engage the agricultural sector from a safe digging perspective.

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Session 2 – Enabling safe digging for 3000+ Employees with Gerry Mulholland from Amey Construction.

Session 2 – Enabling safe digging for 3000+ Employees with Gerry Mulholland from Amey Construction.

Session 2 - Enabling safe digging for 3000+ Employees with Gerry Mulholland from Amey Construction.In the second of the Damage Prevention Thought Leadership sessions, LSBUD was delighted to invite industry expert Gerry Mulholland, formerly HSEQ Director at Amey, to lead a discussion forum on sharing simple information across a very large employee base undertaking thousands of excavations every week.

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Session 1 – Exploring the best use of Utility Surveys with John Robinson

Session 1 – Exploring the best use of Utility Surveys with John Robinson

Session 1 - Exploring the best use of Utility Surveys with John RobinsonIn the first of the Damage Prevention Thought Leadership sessions, LSBUD was delighted to invite industry expert John Robinson of JRA to lead a discussion forum on surveying standards, focused on understanding the right option for every dig site.

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National Damage Prevention Campaign 2020​

Introduction & Session One

Introduction & Session One

Damage Prevention Day 2020 - Introduction & Session OneAre we using location technology to its best potential? Andrew Healy, BeforeUdig New Zealand - The introduction of Locator certification and its impact on the industry in New Zealand. Phil Cornforth, USAG Stakeholder Engagement Manager - How the UK and New Zealand differs with a focus on USAG's activity during 2020.

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Session Two – National Damage Prevention Day 2020

Session Two – National Damage Prevention Day 2020

National Damage Prevention Day 2020 - Session TwoIndustry champions including a focus on regulatory performance John Pickford, Portsmouth Water - A summary from the highest performing water company for customer satisfaction, focusing on its damage prevention journey. Borsu Shahnavaz and Ludivine Zanga, UKPN - Network Feedback Tool - A summary of the OFGEM funded feedback tool, including why and what the project entails.  

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Session Three – National Damage Prevention Day 2020

Session Three – National Damage Prevention Day 2020

Damage Prevention Day 2020 - Session ThreeUnderstanding strike incidents- who, where, what and how? Strike investigations / awareness and follow ups across a range of environments and stakeholders. Geoff Glover (SABIC) on behalf of Linewatch Phil Taylor (BPA) on behalf of UKOPA Sam Parton on behalf of Fisher German.  

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Session Four – National Damage Prevention Day 2020

Session Four – National Damage Prevention Day 2020

National Damage Prevention Day 2020 - Session FourA look across the pond; what we can learn from a more collaborative and cohesive approach? Scott Landes, Rhino, Organiser of the Annual US Excavation Safety Conference - Reviewing what we can learn from the US perspective.

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