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Your Opinion Matters!


LSBUD works hard as a team to provide the best service possible for our Users and Members alike.  We recognise that there is always room for improvement and now is the time to have your say. In an ever changing climate we would love to hear what you think we do well or could improve on.

There were lots of positive changes to LSBUD in 2024. A lot of the changes were made based on the feedback we received from last years survey so what you share with us really does make a difference.  You can read more about the changes here but some highlights are below:

  • We now have additional services available and more widely known about to help save you time and make things easier for you; Large Site Services, Digital Insight Service, Top-Up Service and Search API
  • Select Surveys became part of the LSBUD Group
  • The LSBUD Membership has continued to grow with over 160 asset owners now included in our service
  • Satellite view mapping is now the default view for submitting a search area (alternative options are also still available)

It is important to us at LSBUD that we do as much as we can to make our service the best it can be as we continue to strive for ‘Safe Digging For All’ so it would be fantastic if you could spare a few minutes of your time by clicking here to complete this short survey for us and let us know what you think!