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How to validate my account


Once you have registered for LinesearchbeforeUdig, you will automatically be sent an email from the service which will contain a hyperlink asking you to validate your email address. Clicking this link will redirect you back to our website where you can log in.

You can access the service and begin to submit enquiries once you have validated your email address. If you log in before validating your email, you will see a red “Account Confirmation Required” message.

Please keep in mind that this validation link will expire after three (3) days. To send yourself a fresh verification email, log in with your username and password and click the RESEND link in the bottom right corner of the red “Account Confirmation Required” message:

This will issue you with a new validation link. Log out of LSBUD, then go to your email inbox to locate the email. After clicking the link, re-login to LSBUD and you will now be able to see the New Enquiry button to begin submitting jobs.

If you do not receive your registration email, please check your junk/spam folders. If it is still lost, please contact our call centre for assistance on 0345 437 7365.