LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) FAQs
Below you will find useful FAQs relating to the LSBUD Service.
Can I edit my account details?
Yes, click the “Account” button (top right hand corner) after logging into LSBUD. Once you have made your changes be sure to click the “Update” button at the bottom – do note, changing your details will remove any approvals under previous details and you will in all essence become a ‘new user’ for each member to approve
Can I set default settings for each enquiry?
Yes, setting defaults for your enquiry will speed up your enquiry process. Click the “Settings” button after logging into LSBUD. You can then select the different settings that you would like to set as your defaults, click the “Submit” button once you have made your changes.
Can I make a large drawing above 1km2?
LSBUD does not support having dig site drawings over 1km2 per search however we do have a “Continue Job” tool which after submission of your first enquiry, shows your previous dig site in grey on your next search, allowing you to continue drawing from where you left off.
Can I see my house on the screen?
LSBUD has implemented a new mapping service when drawing your dig site – this allows you to view the satellite imagery of the location prior to submitting to your search, simply select the layer icon and select the desired view Google Maps/Google Satellite/Google Terrain or Google Hybrid.
What if I cannot find the location I am looking for?
Have you tried the other search options available at “Search Type”? (Coordinate, Postcode/Town, Road name)? You can also try entering the nearest town into the “Town” search method and then use the navigation tools to position the map precisely on the location you require.
If all else fails, you can try using a service such as gridreferencefinder.com which shows you a map of the UK and you can simply right click on the map to find a grid reference in multiple search types.
Which Drawing tool should I use?
When you perform a search the map will be automatically positioned with a circle at the centre of your map. If this covers the area you require information for then you can continue to the next step.
If you prefer to draw your site on the map then you have three drawing tools available:
Line – The Line tool allows you to draw a line to represent your activity.
Area – This tool is used to draw the outline of an area.
Circle – At the centre of your site click and drag outwards, this will result in a circle being drawn to cover your site.
Is there a limit to the size of an enquiry which I can submit through LSBUD?
Yes, the size of an enquiry is limited for each specific drawing tool as follows:
Circle – 25m to 1km (Diameter)
Line – 5km
Area – 1km2
I have submitted an enquiry, what should I do now?
The Enquiry Confirmation Document (that is sent to your registered email address following each enquiry) will outline which of the LSBUD Member Asset Owners have assets registered on the LSBUD service near your search area (shown in the red list) and what you need to do (if anything) in order to receive their plans. It will also show which LSBUD Members do not have any assets registered on the LSBUD service near your search area (shown in the green list). A further indicative list of those asset owners that are not registered with the LSBUD service but may have assets near your search area will be provided who must be contacted separately (shown in the blue list). Please note that these results are not exhaustive and it is your responsibility to identify and contact all asset owners within your search area.
Can I change or cancel an existing enquiry?
No, once you submit your enquiry the information is automatically processed and passed onto our Asset Owners/Members.
How will LSBUD Members (asset owners) respond to my request?
LSBUD Members will either respond directly to you or you will be asked to supply them with more information (as detailed on the enquiry confirmation document). Some LSBUD Members may ask for further details and some may ask for payment before releasing their plans.
What is the Enquiry Confirmation used for?
The Enquiry Confirmation is a record for you outlining all of the Asset Owners/Members who have had their Zones of Interest searched against your enquiry details. A Request has been sent to each Asset Owner with your contact details. When you receive correspondence back from the Asset Owners you should tick them off the list. Certain Members request further information before they can provide a response to your enquiry. You can do this directly from the site by clicking the “E-mail Affected Operators” button.
It is very important that you make sure you receive information from all Asset Owners/Members on the list provided before commencing any works.
I have not received my confirmation sheet?
You can have the Enquiry Confirmation advice re-emailed to you, go to the Home screen and click on the History button. Perform a search for your enquiry and click “Resend PDF” button. This will result in the same Enquiry Confirmation being emailed back to you.
An Asset Owner has not responded, what can I do?
Many Asset Owners or Members respond within minutes however some may take up to 10 days, you should contact any Asset Owners or Members who have failed to respond to your enquiry within 10 days using the phone number provided on the Enquiry Confirmation advice.
How long is the information valid for?
The information provided to you by Asset Owners/Members will normally explain how long that information is valid for. Bear in mind the mapping data can change at any time, for your safety you should always work with the latest information available.
How long do I have to wait to receive plans?
In most cases Asset Owners & Members respond to you within 10 working days of you submitting your enquiry/further information. In some cases where postage is required, plans may take longer to arrive.
Is there a User Guide for the service?
You can view our user guide here Online User Guide
How can I get help using the online enquiry system?
Online Help is available throughout the service. Simply click on the orange question marks in each section. If you still require assistance please email or call us about your query – contact details can be found here Contact Us
How much does it cost to use the service?
Placing enquiries through LSBUD is free for all users.
Who can access the LSBUD service?
Anybody can register and immediately start using LSBUD.
Are all asset owners covered by this service?
Please note that we can only respond on behalf of the LSBUD Members; we will provide indicative information for other asset owners with their known contact details but please be aware that it is your responsibility to identify and contact all asset owners within your search area.
What time is LSBUD open from?
The LSBUD service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Helpdesk is available between Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. You can contact us via the webchat, email us at enquiries@lsbud.co.uk or by calling us 0345 437 7365 during those hours.
Can I view a history of all my enquiries?
To view a list of previous enquiries, log on to the online enquiry service and from the “Home” screen click on the “History” button. This will allow you to search for specific enquiries.
Can I resubmit old enquiries?
Yes, find the enquiry via the “History” button; this will then present to you an option to “Resubmit your enquiry”. Click the button and follow the prompts.
System Requirements
What Internet Browser do I need to use?
We support the following browsers:
- Firefox
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
How do I register to use LSBUD?
Click the “Register” button at the top of this page. Once you have submitted your contact details you will receive an email with further instructions on how to access the service.
How do I validate my email address?
Once you have registered you will automatically be sent an email from the service with instructions on how to validate your email address, the email contains a link that will confirm to the service that you have received the email. Once you validate your email address you can access the service immediately.
Can I use the service if I do not validate my email address?
You cannot use the service if you do not validate your email address. LSBUD need to confirm that you have a valid email address so we may send you your Enquiry Confirmations via email. Asset Owners are provided with your email address so they can respond to your enquiry directly.
How do I Login to LinesearchbeforeUdig?
Click the “Login” button at the top of this page, you will be taken to a page where you can enter your username and password to gain access to the service.
I have forgotten my password, how can I retrieve it?
Passwords can be reset using the Forgotten Password link on the Login page. Simply type in your Username and Email address then click on “Send”. Your password will be reset and the details will be emailed to you.
Can I change my password?
Yes, login to the application, click the “Account” button at the top right hand corner and you will be presented with your details. Ensure you click the “Update” button at the bottom once you have made your changes. Please note that the password criteria is as follows: at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number, 1 special character (such as !”£$) and a minimum of 8 characters in total
Do I have to pay to use the LSBUD service?
No the LSBUD service is completely free to use for all users. You will never be charged to use the LSBUD service.
Why have I received a request for payment email?
Individual Members (asset owners) of LSBUD may choose to charge certain users for access to their asset information (plans). This charge is levied by the individual Asset Owners.
If I receive a request for payment from an Asset Owner do I need to pay it?
No you are not obliged to make a payment however until the Asset Owner receives payment for the enquiry you will not receive the requested asset information (plans). Please note unpaid invoices will not accrue.
I have been sent a request for payment but believe I am eligible for free access to the Asset Owner’s plans. What can I do?
If you have received a request for payment from an Asset Owner but believe you should have free access to their asset information you will need to contact the Asset Owner directly as LSBUD is not responsible for applying the Asset Owners’ charging policies. The contact phone number for the Asset Owner can be found on your LSBUD Enquiry Confirmation Document.
What payment methods are available?
LSBUD Asset Owners accept online payments through Stripe. You don’t need to have a Stripe account as you can use a credit or debit card through the Stripe system. For other payment methods please contact the respective Asset Owner directly. The contact phone number for the Asset Owner can be found on your LSBUD Enquiry Confirmation Document.
With 700 network operators managing 5 million kilometres of utility networks in Britain alone, are you sure you know who has what and where?
What is the Top-Up Service?
The Top-Up Service provides everyone access to all the known utility networks’ records available for all sites, nationally. Whether you want to establish the presence of key network operators in an area or search for all the known asset owners, LSBUD’s Top-Up Service options provide a one-stop solution.
What does the service provide?
The service tops-up an LSBUD request by providing responses and asset plans for your area of interest from those network operators and utilities that are not yet members of LSBUD.
What about LSBUD Member utilities and network operators?
You will receive responses and asset plans from LSBUD Members in the usual manner. The Top-Up Service will not provide duplicate copies of Member responses or asset plans. It is your responsibility to ensure you collate the responses from the LSBUD enquiry and the Top-Up Service for each site or location searched.
How does it work?
Simply complete a search enquiry on our website as usual. Once submitted, you will be presented with the enquiry confirmation screen which will include the option to Top-Up. You can select Top-Up from the button on the top of the webpage.
When you select Top-Up, you will be presented with two Top-Up options: Essential Top-Up or Comprehensive Top-Up. Choose the most appropriate Top-Up option for your site and we will provide a quote which will appear in your basket for check-out. We will also send the quote via email with a link back to your basket.
You can add multiple Top-Ups into your basket. Once you checkout we will send an order confirmation with a payment receipt to your registered email address.
Please see our Terms of Use including Privacy Policy.
What is the difference between an Essential and Comprehensive Top-Up option?
The Essential Top-Up option searches core safety critical services, providing responses from the key electricity, gas, sewer & drainage, water and Openreach networks. Asset plans are provided where the Top-Up service identifies the presence of networks (affected).
The Comprehensive Top-Up option searches all known utility and network operators including all those within the Essential Top-Up option. You will receive responses from all known utilities who operate networks in your search locality and where networks are affected you will receive asset plans.
Which network operators are included in the Essential Top-Up option?
The Essential Top-Up option will provide enquiry responses from core network operators, current at the time of the order, to include:
- Electricity Distribution Network Operators, Electricity Transmission Operators, Gas Distribution Operators, and Gas Transmission Operators as defined by Energy Networks Association excluding Independent Distribution Network Operators. Operators in the Republic of Ireland are also excluded from the Essential Top-Up option. https://www.energynetworks.org/operating-the-networks/whos-my-network-operator
- Regional Water and Sewerage Undertakers (water company appointments), and Regional Water Only Undertakers (water company appointments) as defined by Ofwat, excluding Water Supply and/or Sewerage Licensees (WSSLs). https://www.ofwat.gov.uk/regulated-companies/ofwat-industry-overview/licences/
- Openreach (BT)
Which network operators are included in the Comprehensive Top-Up option?
The Comprehensive Top-Up option searches all known utility and network operators at the time of the order, including all the Independent Gas Transporter (IGTs), Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs) and Water Supply and/or Sewerage Licensees (WSSLs).
Are the Top-Up options PAS 128 and HSG47 compliant?
By providing responses and asset plans from all known utility and network operators, the Comprehensive Top-Up option is compliant with PAS 128:2022 and HSG47.
Does this mean that every asset at my work site will be accurately mapped?
We can only provide you the information that the asset owners have about their networks so refer you to their terms and conditions. These include disclaimers that asset mapping is provided without liability and as a guide. You must undertake the required locating/surveying practices to determine their location on site.
How much does a Top-Up cost?
Essential Top-Up
£125* + vat for areas up to 25ha or a linear route up to 3km
£165* + vat for larger areas up to 100ha or for a larger linear route up to 5km
Comprehensive Top-Up
£175* + vat for areas up to 25ha or a linear route up to 3Km
£255* + vat for larger areas up to 100ha or for a larger linear route up to 5km
*excluding disbursements
My quote includes disbursements, what is this for?
Disbursements are charges from the utility or asset owner companies that we incur when we request plans on your behalf.
In most instances utilities and network operators provide their responses and asset plans for free. Where they do make a charge for their responses or asset plans, the total additional disbursements (the accumulated applicable disbursement charges payable) will be clearly shown on the quote.
How long will it take to get the quote?
Most quotes are returned within a few seconds, but in some instances where network operators charge a disbursement fee, this could take up to 20 minutes. We will send you an email when the quote is ready together with a link back to your basket.
How long is the quote valid for?
28 days, after which you will need to place a new LSBUD enquiry.
When should I expect to receive the Top-Up?
5 working days* turnaround for the Essential Top-Up Service.
10 working days* turnaround for the Comprehensive Top-Up Service.
*Working days exclude weekends, public holidays and the period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day in England.
When calculating the delivery date, please note that these are full working days and orders received after 3pm start the next working day.
Why does my Top-Up indicate ‘Awaiting Response’?
We endeavour to obtain as much of the information as possible within the Top-Up Service timescale. Unfortunately, there may be occasions when the response times of the utility companies mean that it is not always possible to obtain all your information within the timescale.
Where network operators have not provided a response, you will receive an email informing you that your order is ready but is still awaiting a response from at least one network operator. In these circumstances you will be able to download the available responses from the link provided in the email.
How long could I wait for utility responses?
Up to 28 days from the order date. The LSBUD team will continue to chase utilities and network operators for up to 28 days for any outstanding responses. Once 28 days have elapsed, the LSBUD Team will no longer chase network operators and any missing responses will be marked ‘No Response Provided’. We will send you an email informing you of this.
How will I receive the Top-Up?
We will send you an email when your order is ready together with a link to where you can download your Top-Up.
How long is the Top-Up download link valid for?
28 days. Should you require a copy after this date, you will need to contact us directly. Any archive copies we provide may incur an admin charge to supply.
Please note, any archive copies provided should not be used for safe digging purposes.
How long is the Top-Up information valid for?
The information contained within the Top-Up has been provided by numerous network operators who will normally explain within their response how long that information is valid for. Please bear in mind the mapping data can change at any time, for your safety you should always work with the latest information available.
Can I Top-Up previously submitted enquiries?
Yes. Select the enquiry from your order history and select Top-Up from the button on the top of the webpage.
Can I change or cancel a Top-Up order?
No. Once you submit your order the information is automatically processed and passed onto our service provider.
How do I contact you if I have a question?
Our Helpdesk is available between Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. You can contact us via the webchat at https://lsbud.co.uk, email us at enquiries@lsbud.co.uk or by calling us on 0345 437 7365 during those hours.