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LSBUD Launches Safety Awareness Video


We are really pleased to be sharing our brand-new Safety Awareness video. We have teamed up with Linewatch and fencing contractor, Elliott, who went viral in June 2021 when his post knocker hit an underground gas pipeline on a farm in Derbyshire.

The safety campaign focuses on Elliott’s experience of striking the pipeline, it recounts the moments after the explosion and looks at what he would do differently if he had the chance to do so. The video explores the unseen dangers lurking beneath the ground, when digging as part of construction, highways, utility, farming or fencing work. It also looks at the perils of digging ‘blind’ and explains some best practices people must follow to avoid damage to the environment, serious injury, or death.

We are so grateful to Elliott for reaching out to help raise awareness of safer digging for everyone.

To watch the video, click here