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National Safe Digging Week is here!


National Safe Digging Week, in the UK, commences on Monday 3rd July. It is a time to bring awareness to the importance of safe digging practices. At LSBUD, we are committed to ensuring that our members uphold the best practices when it comes to digging, and we are proud to be a part of this effort. Join us on our social media platforms to help promote the week!

What Members of the Public Can Do

One of the most important things that members of the public can do to ensure safe digging is to make an enquiry on our website before they begin any digging projects. You can register for free here. By following the step-by-step guide, our free-to-use service will provide contact details and maps of utility companies. Which then mark the location of any underground pipelines or cables that may be in the area. Our service exists to prevent accidents and ensure that everyone stays safe.

We also encourage all members of the public to take the time to educate themselves on safe digging practices. This includes understanding the different types of underground lines that may be in the area, as well as knowing how to properly dig around them.


What Companies Can Do

Externally, join in with the biggest campaign for Safe Digging by ensuring you promote the week. You can do this by sharing important details for practicing safe digging on social media and your websites, for the public to see.

Internally, digging/utilities companies can ensure their employees have up-to-date training on the best safe digging practices. Making sure they have the best safety equipment such as hard hats, steel toe-capped work boots and high-vis vests. Furthermore, relevant risk assessments should be made before and during the groundworks. Making LSBUD enquiries before you dig will also help with checking for underground utility hazards.


What LSBUD Are Doing

At LSBUD, we are also working to ensure that all of our members and users are upholding the best practices when it comes to safe digging. This includes providing awareness days such as National Damage Prevention Day and keeping our online resources as up-to-date as possible. We work with over 120 utility member companies to ensure that they are following the proper protocols and that we have the most recent mapping data available for our users. This helps to protect utility assets from damage and lives from being harmed.

National Safe Digging Week is an critical time to focus on the importance of safe digging practices. Remember to always submit an LSBUD enquiry before commencing any type of groundwork, and to take the time to educate yourself on safe digging practices.


Safe Digging Guide and Best Practice

In addition to this, it’s important to note that there are different types of underground lines that may be in the area, including gas, electric, water and communication lines. Each of these require different safety protocols when it comes to digging around them. Understanding these protocols and guidelines is crucial to ensure that everyone stays safe. You can visit the Health and Safety Excavation and Underground Services Guide here.

Remember, National Safe Digging Week is a time to focus on the importance of safe digging practices. At LSBUD, we are committed to doing our part to ensure that everyone stays safe, and we encourage all members of the public to do the same.


Whether you are a company or an individual and you wish to get involved with this important campaign, please get in touch with us via email at