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New LSBUD Features Now Live!


We are pleased to announce that we have performed a system update which enables some useful new features. 

LSBUD blog

Continue Job – Once an enquiry has been made, a new button is now available which allows you to extend (or continue) the search area on the next enquiry. Just click on one of your previous enquiries where you will find the Continue Job button on the right hand side. This will show the previous enquiry area on the map and allow you to extend your search area for the next enquiry.

Site Contact & Site Number – These two optional fields are available for you to tell the LSBUD Members who will be the best contact on site. [Found under the “Enquiry Details” Tab]

Notes/Description Of Works – This optional field is available to help you provide any additional information to the LSBUD Members that may be pertinent to your search/enquiry. [Found under the “Location” Tab.].