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Ogi Upgrade to LSBUD’s Hosted Plan Response




We are very pleased to announce that Ogi will now be using LSBUD’s Hosted Plan Response (HPR) system to provide their asset location plans.

HPR will enable Ogi to respond more quickly to all those who plan to dig in the vicinity of their assets. Plans will be automatically provided within a few minutes once searches are made. This is good news for the protection of Ogi’s assets and good news for LSBUD Users.

Expect Ogi’s network to grow rapidly as they are on a mission to power-up life online in communities across Wales. They’re installing a next generation Gigabit-capable digital network in the towns and villages they call home, giving local families and businesses great value ultrafast services.

The LSBUD Helpdesk Team are available via email, telephone and online chat if you have any queries.