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Welcome Pimlico District Heating Undertaking (PDHU)


LSBUD is pleased to welcome PDHU as the newest asset owner to join the LSBUD service from 9th November 2017.

Pimlico District Heating Undertaking (PDHU)

The Pimlico District Heating Undertaking (PDHU) is owned by Westminster City Council and managed by CityWest Homes. Built over 50 years ago to help combat London’s air pollution, the PDHU continues to be a crucial source of clean, affordable energy in the city. The PDHU is the UK’s first combined heat and power network and provides heating and hot water services to 3,256 homes, 50 commercial premises and 4 schools.

“We are very pleased to improve both the protection of our assets and the safety of those people working in their vicinity by joining LSBUD” said Chris Richardson, Head of PDHU and Energy.