What’s Trust got to do with it?
Recently, the LSBUD team were delighted to be a part of the Institute of Water Annual Conference held at the Parkgate Hotel in Cardiff.
It was excellent two days with engaging speakers and wide-ranging discussions around the principal theme of Trust, a key issue for everyone working in and with the water industry.

This issue is not unique to water, and despite issues that this specific industry is currently addressing, we should never forget that the public has a great deal of trust in water providers in the UK. As one delegate mentioned, wherever we are in England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, we will simply walk into a kitchen, run the tap, and drink the water supplied. We will use the shower & bathrooms, without question. We trust the supply implicitly.
And as someone who has worked in both the private and public sectors, it is interesting to note that, here in the UK, there are much greater levels of trust in business and industry than there are in governments and the media. There was a fascinating presentation from Penelope Mantzaris from Endelman Intelligence on the findings of their global trust report – The Barometer of Trust.
Penelope explored the “Trust Gap” between Government and Business and showed that there is a 13-point differential in the UK in the level of trust between the two.
We simply trust our Businesses to do what they say they will over the word of our political leadership, as highlighted below.

Of course, there are many caveats and exceptions to consider but it is an interesting point when we see regular announcements about “revolutionary” and “groundbreaking” initiatives from government departments.
Do they bear closer examination?
Circling back to our own industry, here at LSBUD, we are told many times by our Users, Members and Partners that we are a trusted resource, and we greatly appreciate those comments. However, we always dig deeper – pun intended – to ensure that we continue to be worthy of that trust.
We listen closely to our Operational Governance and Strategic Governance boards which are made up of our Members & Users, we hold regular Webinars and run detailed Satisfaction Surveys, and we bring the industry together every summer at our annual Damage Prevention Day.
All of these are designed to gain insight into those who rely on our services to ensure that we meet their needs and develop according to their requirements.
We always start by listening to the industries that we work with rather than make grandiose announcements about how good we are (or going to be) without anything substantial to back up that statement.
It may have been said many times, but it is always worth remembering that “Trust walks in slowly and speeds off on Horseback”. The LSBUD Team know that trust is hard earnt and easily lost.
So, we ask the question of you all…Do you trust LSBUD? And, if so, why?